
  • Euclyde Data Centers (Euclyde), established in 2004, is an operator of a network of interconnected datacenters across France and Luxembourg
  • Since building the first public Tier 4 datacenter in Sophia Antipolis in 2009, Euclyde has gradually expanded into other regions of France, plus Luxembourg, offering high quality, neutral and local colocation services
  • nLighten is a European datacenter platform operating a portfolio of 10 regional datacenters across Germany
  • I Squared Capital Advisors is an independent fund manager that specializes in investing and managing infrastructure assets globally, with a focus on Europe, North America, Asia and Latin America


  • DC Advisory (DC) was engaged by Euclyde, under exclusive terms, to act as financial advisor for its shareholders: Magdi Houry (founder), SOFIPACA, and IDIA Capital Investissement


  • nLighten agreed to acquire 100% of Euclyde to develop and accelerate their growth plan in France with the objective of becoming a champion in the European regional datacenter markets
  • This transaction closed on May 31 2023

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